Key Stage
All pupils at Bure Park are taught a broad range of subjects throughout the school day:
English, Maths, Science, Personal Social Health and Economic education (PSHE), History, Geography, Religious Education, PE, Art, Technology, Computing and Music.
Day time learning is delivered in a sequenced way through each stage, at each point checking learning and developing learning over time. This can be seen in our subject sequencing diagrams which outline what each pupil will learn throughout their time at BPSA. Whilst teachers understand the knowledge and skills to be gained at each stage, the curriculum and its delivery addresses gaps in knowledge and understanding from individual starting points to ensure our pupils develop, consolidate and deepen understanding across all areas over time.
Some pupils still need to embed the foundations of learning and therefore are best suited to an Early Years type provision and delivery, designed to develop communication and language, physical, personal, social, and emotional skills, literacy and mathematics, understanding of the world, and expressive arts and design. Supported by a carousel of continuous provision stations, appropriately designed and resourced, children in KS1 and 2 are introduced to imaginative learning projects, in a cross curricular approach, that build on knowledge and help make sense of concepts.

Pupils will leave Bure Park having experienced the warmth, kindness and support provided through meaningful relationships developed with staff. Their journey has been filled with engaging, exciting and explorative learning and enhanced with a wider offer of real life skills and opportunities.
Pupils will be encouraged and prepared to undertake the end of KS2 SATs tests. These are within Maths, Reading and Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPaG). The tests are administered in school and form a part of our teacher assessments and judgments about where the children are ending Year 6 academically in different subjects. At the end of KS4 pupils will be able to sit a range of GCSEs with appropriate support and encouragement.