Our Approach
to Reading
Reading as a passport to the world...
Trips to the library:
An amazing library stocked with a range of exciting books
Reading records tor 1:1
Reading bookmarks - with comprehension questions for parents
Word Book Day
Library slots
Tutor time reading
Reading spine
Book fairs
Children are read to every day
Reading in residence
English Curriculum centred on the best Literature available Y2 -Y11
Spaces for reading across the school
Using songs and rhymes cross curriculum
Topic related immersion in texts
Visiting authors
Theatre trips
File adaptations
Parent Reading Cafes​
​The functional skills required to read...
Sounds Write
Phonics posters in every classroom
Timetabled Literacy Skills Lessons
Timetabled Literacy catch-up
Phonics Interventions
Literacy Mats
Reading Assessments
Staff Training
SLT pick up regular random readers
SSP - Fluency - Understanding
Subtitles for documentaries

Every time a child reads or is read to in your class:
Use Soundswrite lo decode tricky words
Each teacher asks questions around vocabutary, retrieval, summarising, inference, prediction, compare / contrast / comment
Curriculum and Subject specific reading using a visualiser